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Homeowner Survey

All of the information will be complied anonymously. The information you provide will help the campaign be much more effective. We greatly appreciate your time!

For more information about Great Pond Foundation please visit

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Name (This will not be shared. Only used to make sure we do not have duplicate entries.) *
Contact Email  (This will not be shared. Only used to make sure we do not have duplicate entries.) *
Town *
Neighborhood *
In regards to your landscaping, do you: *
If you hire a landscape company would you share with us the name of the company? *
If you selected "Other" in question above please fill in the landscaping company

Is fertilizer (organic or non-organic) currently  being used for your lawn?

If you are not currently using fertilizer may we contact you with follow up questions?
Clear selection

Would you be open to fertilizer alternatives?


Would you be likely to switch to or use a landscape company that provides "pond friendly" alternatives?

Do you have any other feedback or information you feel would help with our campaign?
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