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Isle of Barra Visitor Survey 2023
Bùth Bharraigh are looking to survey visitors to Barra to better understand the visitor experience and what inspires visitor to the islands.
What best describes your reason for visiting the Isle of Barra?
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Where do you usually reside?
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How many times have you been to Barra before?
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What was your main reasons for visiting Barra?
Did any of these prompt your visit to the island?
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How far in advance did you plan your trip?
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Which of the following sources of information did you use when planning your visit to Barra? 
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Did you book your trip to Outer Hebrides as a package through a travel agency?  
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How did you book your accommodation (e.g. hotel, self-catering, camping, etc.) for your recent trip to Barra?
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Which of the following best describes your current visit to Barra?  
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Which of the following areas of Outer Hebrides did you visit during your trip?   
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How did you arrive on the Western Isles?
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How did you leave the Western Isles?
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What was your mode of transport on the island?
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What type of accommodation did you stay in during this visit to Outer Hebrides?   
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Based on your experiences during this trip, how likely are you to visit Barra in the next five years for a leisure holiday or short break?   
Based on your experiences during this trip, how likely are you to recommend Barra as a holiday or short break destination to friends and family?   
What was the highlight of your visit to Barra or the single thing that you enjoyed or appreciated most?  
Was there anything you encountered during your visit that impacted negatively on your visitor experience?   
Please let us know any further thoughts you have on Barra, the Western Isles or Bùth Bharraigh.  *
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