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Marriage Maxx Registration Form
Hello! This is a registration form for our Couples Mentoring & Support Group - Marriage Maxx! The mandate is to raise couples with purposeful unions and bliss. 

Expect fun, tips, support, hangouts, movie nights, sessions, prayers, get-away retreats and assessments. Expect even more bliss in your union and a union that heaven will applaud!

Whether in the UK, Canada or any part of the world, this is for you! - Tolu & Jackie
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Email *
Name (Mr) *
Your email *
Spouse's Name (Mrs) *
Her email address *
Your WhatsApp Number (Mr) *
Spouse WhatsApp Number (Mrs) *
How long have you been married *
What's Your Wedding Anniversary Date  *
What Country & Town do you live in? *
Are you BOTH interested in the Marriage Maxx Mentoring Program? *
Why would you like to join Marriage Maxx Couples group?
Are you able to commit to a 2 hour meeting at least once a month with other couples? *
Do you think you will need a 1-1 with us? If yes why, what are the reasons?
Do you have a pressing prayer request? If yes, please enter it below.
How did you hear about the group?
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