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FAN-PAC: Revising New Jersey’s Children Custody Law is in Our Children’s Best Interest
There is not greater gift we can give our children than our time.  New Jersey’s Children need us to use our collective VOICES and ensure our laws provide for equal access to both parents regardless of family structure. FAN-PAC in New Jersey is dedicated to giving our children a voice in the Family Courts

Bill A1091 & S273  revise the current laws governing both legal and physical custody of children when their parents separate. These bills provide clear guidance to the family court that our children are not leverage in litigation. By passing this law, our children will enjoy the benefits of the full love, nurturing, guidance, support and affection of two loving parents. It is time that our laws reflect a modern society where the family structures are different than they were when the current law was adopted. This law encourages parents to cooperate from the outset reducing the emotional strain on our children when parents separate. Let’s work together to ensure our children are free to love both parents.

This campaign has gained tremendous bi-partisan support in the legislature, however the hard work lies ahead. We need your Voice to be heard; join us, Make a Contribution, get involved. Doing nothing is no longer an option. Help us as we continue advocating for our children. Learn how this legislation will transform the childhood experience of thousands of New Jersey’s children every year. New Jersey has many children but none to spare

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