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Interested in Learning with Ms. Thacker 2020-2021
This is a form designed to gather information in order to provide you with a personal phone call from Ms. Thacker or message (your choice) in order to get more information about the plans she has for this upcoming school year!

"I want to teach again, my kids NEED to learn and times are changing. Let's create a new learning experience for our kiddos that they will NEVER forget!"-Ms. Thacker

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Contact Information: Name, Phone, and/or E-Mail. PLEASE LIST PREFERRED FORM OF CONTACT (text, call, e-mail) *
What day would be best to contact you? *
What time of day would be best? *
I am interested in...
Questions you may have for Ms. Thacker.
Were you referred by someone? If so, what is their name?  We want to be sure to thank them!
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