Grandparent's Day Lunch RSVP
The Registration is now closed BUT...

Grandparents ARE still Welcome to join their Grandchildren for March 22 - 23, 2023 for lunch! Lunch begins at 11:15 am. Grandparents, please be sure to arrive between 11 - 11:15 am to check in. We will be calling your grandchildren down to meet you in the main gym. At this time, we are no longer taking orders for school lunch or pizza so please be sure to bring a lunch! Lunch ends at 12:40 pm.

While you're at the school, Grandparents and Grandchildren are able to visit the Book Fair. We do ask that Grandparents not walk their grandchildren to their classrooms or check them out.

We are very excited to have Grandparents join us and their grandchildren!!!
Thank you, Wasatch PAWS!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Wasatch Elementary School is located at 1080 North 900 East, Provo.
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