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Single-spa core team application
Single-spa is an open source javascript project that is managed by an unpaid core team. We're currently looking to add 1-2 new members to the core team. Single-spa core team members can live in any country and work for full-time for other companies, as long as they're able to help us maintain single-spa. Please fill out this application if you wish to join!
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What is your email address?
How many years of Javascript experience do you have?
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How much experience do you have with single-spa?
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Where do you currently work? What are your responsibilities there?
Roughly how many hours per month could you volunteer for the single-spa core team?
Please provide a high-level technical explanation of what the single-spa library does
Which notable Javascript frameworks / libraries do you have experience with?
Describe your experience level with NodeJS web servers, SQL Databases, and Infrastructure as Code (IAC)
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