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People of God Quiz
Class 4
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The Christian Bible has two sections: the OT and NT. What does OT and NT mean? *
The first section of the Bible (OT) tells the story of a particular group of people known as.... *
They were referred to as..... *
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the ................ Bible. *
Noah and the Flood is from the book of Genesis:6:5-9. Why did God send the flood? *
Why did God choose to save Noah and his family? *
Both, the Flood and the Creation stories, show that God gives humans....... *
How do 'People of God' try to live their lives? Tick two. *
Noah made a 'pact' with God. Tick the word which means an agreement. *
Christians make 'promises' to each other when they are married. These are called wedding ...... *
Name three symbols which are important in a Christian wedding. *
Circular wedding rings symbolise to Christians that marriage should what? *
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