Help me figure out a furry alias!
First off: PLEASE KEEP IN MIND this doesn't mean I'm dropping pony art! I've still got commissions, Comic Relief, and a couple other projects I plan on doing as well as conventions! So that's not going away any time soon!


So, I dunno if all of you know this, but I was a furry artist LONG before I was a pony artist. And over the course of the past couple years, while I HAVE drawn pretty much exclusively pony stuff, I've still been heavily involved with the furry fandom; I just never really had enough time away from horse to draw anything. Pony always took priority in some way with constant conventions and commissions. But I can only draw the same horses for so many years, and my interest has been waning for a while, along with a fear of growing stagnant. So as my style and content goes in different directions, I've got to consider what I'll be calling myself!

But I'm having trouble deciding! And basically, I've got two options: Keep the name Braeburned even if i'm barely making pony content anymore, or go with an entirely new name as a fresh start.

If I keep the name "Braeburned", I'll have the advantages of keeping everything that I've "built" under the name, ya know? I won't have to worry about starting completely from scratch. However, the name will forever be directly tied to pony stuff: Googling it will probably always bring up the pony stuff, my galleries would always have ponies in the back of them, etc etc, and if anyone wanted the pony and furry stuff totally seperate, there would be no sort of seperate galleries. Plus, the name Braeburned is like, directly tied to the pony character "Braeburn", and I feel like It'd be better to have something totally original. Basically, is "Braeburned" seperate enough from pony to become an all-around alias?

If I go with a new name, I'll have those separate galleries! It'll be a fresh start, with my furry stuff being totally separate from my pony stuff. However, even if I choose a name sorta similar to Braeburned/a variant of it, it'll pretty much be a total fresh start. New gallery, etc etc. Some fans will transfer over, of course, but i'll be a while before I'm ever at the same levels "braeburned" got to.

Keep in mind that no matter what I go with, I'll always be very clear about what my alias's are and where I'm posting my content!  I LOVE sharing my work and making sure it's super easy for others to follow it no matter what.

But basically, yeah, that's my conflict. I want to get back into furry work, but I feel like keeping the name Braeburned will forever associate me with my pony work even YEARS after the fact, ya know? I'll forever been known as a pony artist. Of course, I'd never try to leave behind the amazing pony stuff I did as "braeburned"! It was an incredible part of my life and I grew so much and learned so much and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But it's also something that, at this point, I'd feel comfortable moving on from. A new name would help a ton with that! But is it worth it? That's basically what my dilemma is.

So, let me know what you think is best!
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