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2025 Summer Volunteer Sign Up
Mahalo for sharing your interest in supporting 2025's Kaukau 4 Keiki summer meals program! We are planning to operate keiki meal box programs at designated pick up sites as well as deliver meal boxes to those without transportation. We are seeking partners and volunteers who want to get involved! The program will run from Monday, June 9th - Monday, July 28th. Your support and help is greatly appreciated!

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Email *
Organization Name (if applicable)
Contact Name *
Phone Number *
Town you live in *
Which volunteer shifts can you help with? (select all that apply) *
Are you able to commit to this shift throughout the entire program, from Monday, June 2nd - Monday, July 21st? *
Mens/Unisex Tshirt Size *
You could be required to get a food handlers card and take civil rights training prior to volunteering with the program. Can you commit to completing the training and sending certificates to MK staff? *
Please add any comments or info we should know
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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