Alumni Court Application
Alumni Court is Penn State Homecoming's way of representing former Student Court members in a new way.   All Alumni Court honorees will be invited to each event throughout Homecoming Week:
   - October 4: Dance Competition and Homecoming Concert
   - October 5: Pollock Party
   - October 6: Past to Present and For the Glory Talent Show
   - October 7: BOPS Carnival and Field Day
   - October 8: Court Reception
   - October 9: Ice Cream Social and Homecoming Parade
   - October 10: Homecoming Football Game
Although attendance to these events is not mandatory, each honoree is highly encouraged to be in the annual parade as our guests on the evening of Friday, October 9th and will receive one free ticket with the opportunity to purchase 1 other ticket to the football game on Saturday, October 10th.

We plan to have 5 male Court members and 5 female Court members. Please direct any questions you may have to

** Application deadline is September 6th **
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Sex: *
Name: *
Email Address: *
Current City: *
Year on Homecoming Court: *
Description of your current occupation: *
Why do you want to be chosen for the Alumni Court? *
How do you remain involved in Penn State today? *
Would you say Penn State has shaped you into the person you are today? If so, how? *
What does “For the Glory” mean to you? *
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