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2021 Sustainability Champions Awards Nomination Form
Due April 2, 2021
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Submission Date and Timeframe
The nomination form and all supplemental materials must be received by APRIL 2, 2021. Materials may be submitted using this electronic form, to, or by mail to: Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, P.O. Box 2012, Reston, VA 20195. The awards are reviewed and administered by the FACS Awards committee, with support from the FACS board and staff. Winners will be notified by April 16th  announced on April 22nd, and recognized in a virtual awards ceremony on June 2nd at 5:00 p.m.
Nominations will be accepted from all faith communities, individuals, elected officials and public staff, and businesses with programs, operations, residence in, and/or with jurisdiction in Northern Virginia. Applications will be judged according to the following criteria:

1. Exemplifies FACS’ mission, goals and overall strategy, as demonstrated through their actions, which may be a specific service, accomplishment or a steady commitment over a period of time
2. Leads by example, and serves as a model for others through a willingness to share
3. Demonstrates commitment to equity and inclusion.

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