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KHB Kunsthalle Below: Application Form Residency Programmes Summer 2025 and so on...
This is the application form for the Artist Residency Program "Minimal Travel" in summer 2025 at the KHB Kunsthalle Below. We are very pleased that you would like to apply. Before we get started, here are a few practical tips on how it all works. Are you ready?
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KHB Kunsthalle Below
KHB Residency Program "Minimal Travelling“
"When I go on a journey, I disappear from the map. No one knows where I am." Olga Tokarczuk
In the artist-in-residency programs at KHB Kunsthalle Below, research is conducted on two aspects: on the one hand, we pursue the goal of further exploring, reflecting, and making visible the concept of "minimal travel. And on the other hand, the focus will be on formats that test experimentation (with community).
KHB invites experimental artists* who will work in their personal genres of writing, drawing, photography, performance or dance, who are preferably engaged in an experimental and/or participatory artistic practice, and who at the same time are looking for an environment they can share with others.
First and last name *
Year of birth *
Gender *
Postal address & registration address *
We're not selling your address.
Mobile number *
Conditions KHB "Experimental Hygiene“ *
Simplicity is the manifesto of the Kunsthalle Below. Guests who consciously and experimentally choose their simple standard are welcome. The conditions for the residency can be found here: and here: and here:
Conditions 2025 KHB "Liability“ *
I welcome the terms and conditions and hereby declare that I understand what KHB means by "commitment" and that I am applying on these terms.
Dates *
I would like to participate in the residency on the following dates:
Contribution *
I agree to contribute with a basis contribution of 270€ for an 8-day residency (incl. banquet in Berlin in autumn). [MONEY - a note: The KHB is not promoted or sponsored. It is supported by donations, voluntary work assignments and the residence and membership fees of the guests.]
If I am a guest without a professional artistic background, I agree to contribute twice the amount and thereby support scholarships for artists.
As we deliberately work without funding, we generally do not offer scholarships. The direct solidarity contribution allows participants to provide an additional amount on top of their contribution for a residency, which enables another artist from the KHB alumni network to participate in a residency at a reduced price. If you have an income above 2000€, you can facilitate a residency for someone in a disadvantaged situation and contribute to making Kunsthalle Below a more accessible and sustainable place.

I would like to provide the following amount:
Motivation *
Your plans for the residency | What are your plans for your stay? What do you plan to do/not do? Is there a specific project/topic? Or do you give us an insight into what basically drives you to work artistically? Do you already have an idea for your Open Hour? Please do not write more than one page and add your text, if available with your website/profiles that can be found online and/or a portfolio as pdf. Please send your motivation by email to

Du kannst sehr gerne auf Deutsch schreiben. Hier nochmal die Fragen:
Deine Pläne für den Aufenthalt | Welche Pläne hast Du für Deinen Aufenthalt? Was willst Du tun/nicht tun? Gibt es ein bestimmtes Projekt/Thema? Gib uns einen Einblick in das, was Dich grundsätzlich antreibt, künstlerisch zu arbeiten. Hast du bereits eine Idee für Deine Open Hour? Bitte schreib nicht mehr als eine Seite und füge Deinem Text, falls vorhanden, URL von Website/Profile bei, und/oder ein Portfolio als pdf. Bitte sende Deine Motivation per E-Mail an
Guests without an artistic profession
In each residency - in addition to places for artists - a place is reserved for a guest without an artistic profession. This person has the special perspective of a non-specialist audience. Just like the artists, he or she gets involved in the KHB's experimentally simple (hygiene) concept and also takes part in all obligatory events and optionally in the collaborative offers. She pays double the fee and in this way supports scholarships for the artists. She sends her application, just like the artists, in form and motivation letter by email.
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KHB Collection
Open Hour and Collection/Archive *
These two residency fees are obligatory for every participating residency: one fee for our collection/archive (one copy, max. A4, folded, relatively flat (for file), stick or CD/DVD) and one public open hour. With your registration you agree to participate in this program.
Living in the KHB wagon
The KHB offers assistance with housing. *
Declaration of consent 1 KHB house rules *
If I am selected for the residency, I agree to read and confirm all bureaucratic necessities. For example, here is the link to the KHB user manual, instructions, house rules is For further questions please call +49 178 1879772.
Declaration of consent 2 bureaucratic necessities *
If I am selected for the residency, I agree to read and confirm all bureaucratic necessities. For example, here is the link to the KHB user manual, instructions, house rules is For further questions please call +49 178 1879772.
Declaration of consent 3 Privacy policy *
If I am selected for the residency, I agree to read and confirm all bureaucratic necessities. For example, here is the link to the KHB user manual, instructions, house rules is For further questions please call +49 178 1879772.
Mention of your name *
My name may be mentioned in KHB media (newsletter, web, Instagram, facebook).
Instagram name
My Instagram name (if any) is.... (Ex: @khb_studios)
Where did you find us?
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Stays at the KHBstudios Berlin
Former artists of the Artist Residencies in Below can stay at the KHBstudios for a work phase. For details see and
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