Ascot Wildlife Record Form
Please complete this form in as much detail as possible to record your sighting of wildlife: plants or animals around Ascot.
Thank you
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What is the common or usual English name of the animal or plant seen? If you have a photo please email it to *
What is its Latin name?
Look up from the Latin Names reference list please 
How many did you see? *
 Write the number in digits not letters please - approximate if not sure
Give more details as to the sex, age or condition of the animal or plant if you can?
e.g. if a juvenille or dead or unusual time of day / location
What date did you see them? *
Write in dd/mm/yyyy format please - approximate if not sure
Where did you see them? *
Give name of park or address or postcode
Please give the Grid Reference of where you saw them
You can look it up on a map or on (remember Eastings then Northings)
Who saw the flora or fauna recorded? *
Any other comments you would like to add?
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