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Baptist Family-Table Tennis Tournament 2025 - in conjunction with Singapore Baptist Convention 50th Anniversary Celebration
Date/time: 22/3 & 29/3 in year 2025 (Saturdays): 2.30pm-5.30pm
Total no. of teams: 18 (Max. 3 teams per church/institution - subject to the acceptance by the Organising Comittee in view of the max. 18 Teams allocation for this tournament).
Mixed Gender is allowed for each Team. 
Min. age: 12 years and above
Fortmat: Singles, 1st Doubles, 2nd Doubles (Player cannot repeat playing in this format for the Team matches on Matchdays)
2.30pm-3.00pm Registration and Warm-Ups
3.00pm-3.15pm Pre-tournament gospel program

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Please submit this Form by clicking Submit at the end.  Thank you for responding to our Invitation.  From: Singapore Baptist Convention Ad-hoc Table Tennis Committee 
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