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Application - ID8 Pre-accelerator
                                                   Applications for the Fall ID8 Pre-accelerator Cohort is now closed.

Look for applications to re-open for our Winter ID8 Pre-accelerator Cohort in late December (for January-February program).

Sponsored by the University of Oregon's Innovation Network and RAIN Eugene, ID8 is a free program for early-stage entrepreneurs to develop their ventures. The program will take place 6-8pm on Tuesday evenings from October 8 through November 5 at the UO Innovation Hub (942 Olive Street, Eugene).

Each class is divided into two parts:
Part 1-(6-6:30pm) Overview of the week's topic (Open to the public)
Part 2 (6:30-8pm) Participants work with mentors, one-on-one, to assess and discuss that week's topic and how to apply the topic to their specific venture (Reserved for those selected to the ID8 pre-accelerator cohort)

Topics covered include:
Developing Entrepreneurial Discipline (Oct. 8)
Value Proposition and Tools (Oct. 15)
Market Analysis (Oct. 22)
Go To Market Strategy (Oct. 29)
Putting It All Together (Nov. 5)

**If you would like to participate in Part 2 of the class (working individually with trained mentors to develop your venture), submit the following application by Friday, October 4th.

Questions?  Contact Kate Harmon, Director of Cross-Campus Engagement, Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship, at
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Name of your business, nonprofit or venture
Your Name *
Your Email *
Preferred Phone # *
Tell us about the customer problem you solve or help.... use 3-4 sentences and tell us their problem in a short-story, and where your solution or product comes in to help. *
Do you have customers yet? *
Do you have a prototype product or something you can test with customers? *
I'm still trying to find a potential solutionWho is on your team? Tell us each person's name, skills, and background (be brief, for example Bill - Founder - marketing, sales, biz dev - 10 years of real estate sales experience) *
What do you envision for your company in the next 12 months? *
What are your biggest challenges to achieving this vision ? *
Any questions or concerns?
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