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Detroit DSA: UAW Strike Ready Questionnaire ⚡
The UAW strike will keep the bosses guessing by hitting different plants and locals in Detroit. Every day, workers will be STANDING UP and walking out. Are you ready to stand with them, wherever they are?

Fill out this form and we’ll help you get plugged into UAW picket support around Detroit, fun strike events with DSA and the UAW, and other solidarity info and connections! And also sign the Big 3 Strike Ready Pledge!
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First and last name *
Your phone number *
What region do you live in? We are asking so we can add you to a regional WhatsApp group where comrades can get picket shift updates, coordinate carpools, etc.
Do you want to be added to an 'Announcements' WhatsApp thread, where you will get only updated/live announcements of events and major UAW strike news?
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Can you show up on the picket lines in solidarity? Our main targets are in Wayne and Center Line.
Do you have any other skills that might be helpful to coordinating strike support (data entry, comms/social media, photography, cooking for a group, art...)
Have you participated in a picket line before?
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What questions do you have about the strike or for the striking workers?
Your email
Sign the Big 3 Strike Ready Pledge! Then come back and submit this form.
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