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Jordan University of Science and Technology
My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to Identify and solve problems in the various IE areas including quality, ergonomics, operations management and manufacturing
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient abilities to Collect and analyze data concerning operations performance and extract information
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient Knowledge to engage in advanced or specialized training courses of importance to business
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient  abilities to Work with people of different backgrounds
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to Communicate technical information through written documents
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to  Communicate technical information through oral presentation
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to  Be disciplined, dependable, careful, honest and respectful
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to  Be productive, reliable and creative
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient abilities to Learn on my own
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to  Learn existing/new software necessary to business
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to Expand her/his knowledge to topics within and outside IE discipline
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to Make future plans considering uncertainties in global issues, supply and demand
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient skills to Identify local and international competitors and be aware of their strengths and weaknesses
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My JUST IE engineer showed sufficient awareness of changes in technology that may impact decisions in the organization
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