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NHS Metro Board Recruitment Form
Thank you for your interest in joining the NHS Metro Board, the young professionals board for Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago. Please email a copy of your resume or bio to and fill out the form below.
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Name: *
The Metro Board is the young professionals board of NHS Chicago. What is your age? *
Email address: *
Profession and industry:
How did you hear about NHS Chicago?
Why are you interested in joining NHS Chicago? *
Please describe the relevant skills and experiences that you will bring to the Metro Board:
What do you hope to gain as a member of the NHS Chicago Metro Board?
What is your experience in community revitalization, real estate, and/or what is your financial experience or development background?
Please describe your personal and professional networks and how you will leverage them in support of NHS Chicago and its mission of "Buy, Fix, and Keep."
Are you comfortable leveraging your network and fundraising?
Can you commit to 5-10 hours per month for board duties?
Will you be able to participate in monthly in-person board meetings and to volunteer for NHS Chicago events? 
What current boards are you on?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
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