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Maker Camp at the Germantown Library August 2024
The Germantown Library Maker Camp is back! Thank you for bearing with us as we try this for the second time!

Our August Maker Camp is open to 25 children in grades K - 5. 
There are two steps to start:
1. Please complete this form to hold a spot.
2. Please submit payment online: 

Campers may sign-up for one - five days for $25 a day. (We've tried to keep costs as low as possible and are unable to offer a sibling discount at this time.) 

Camp will take place in the Hover Room and Makerspace (lower level parking lot) with local, walkable trips to the Palatine Park Playground and Trail. Campers will engage in crafts, book-related games + activities, cooking, and lots more. Our camp is led by beloved GCS elementary teachers Cheryl Werner (Library) and Emma Brooks (Pre-K TA).

Campers should pack an allergy-free lunch and a spare set of clothes (t-shirt, pants, socks)—just in case things get painty + muddy. We will supply the snacks . . . including some that campers make!

Please complete one form for each camper.

Please contact Gabe with with any questions:
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Email *
Caregiver Name *
Please provide the name of our main point of contact for all camp questions and needs.
Caregiver Cell phone
Caregiver Email
We'll use this email to send you any details for camp.
Emergency Camp Contact *
Please provide the name and cell phone of the person we should contact if we can not reach you during camp hours. 
Camper name and age *
Camper birthday  *
Camper grade *
Camp Day #1: Wednesday, April 3: 9 am - 3 pm *
Will your camper join us on Wednesday, April 3: 9 am - 3 pm?
Camp Day #2: Friday, April 5: 9 am - 3 pm *
Will your camper join us on Friday, April 5: 9 am - 3 pm
Total due for this camper *
Camp is $25 a day per child attending. We've tried to keep costs as low as possible and are unable to offer a sibling discount at this time. 
On-line Payment completed? *
Have you already submitted payment online at
Please list any camper allergies. *
We will ask this question again in another form! Use the "other" option to list any other diet-related things for us to keep in mind.
Please list any special needs and concerns we should be aware of.  *
Would you like to see more camps offered on days GCS is not in session? *
May we use photos of your child in our library Facebook, Instagram, newsletter, and Annual Report? *

Waiver of Liability


I, the undersigned, in consideration of my child's participation in the Germantown Library Maker Camp, hereby release, waive, and discharge the Germantown Library, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for my child's personal injury, accidents, or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from participation in the Maker Camp.


Assumption of Risks


I understand that the activities involved in the Maker Camp may carry inherent risks, including but not limited to crafting, electronics, and the use of child-safe tools under supervision. I knowingly assume all such risks for my child's participation.


Medical Authorization


In the event of a medical emergency, if I cannot be reached immediately, I authorize the staff, employees, or agents of the Germantown Library to secure and consent to emergency medical attention and treatment for my child as needed. This may include transportation to the nearest medical facility and the administration of emergency medical treatment by healthcare professionals. I agree to bear any costs incurred for such medical treatment.


Hospital Preference


In the event of an emergency, my preferred hospital for my child's treatment is:


Acknowledgment of Understanding


I have read this waiver, including the medical authorization, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including the right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing this waiver freely and voluntarily for the participation of my child in the Maker Camp. Please type child's parent/guardian's full name below:

Anything else to share?
Let us know if you have anything else on your mind. Ideas, questions, concerns, etc!
Thank you!
We'll be in touch with more information. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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