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Foster carer initial questions?
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Email *
Full contact name? *
What are your usual work hours? *
In which suburb are you located?
Do you own or Rent, if rent do you have landlords permission?
Do you have a garden? Are your fences fully secured?
How many family members in the home?
Ages of children?
Do you have any other dogs? How many? What Breed?
Are your other dogs desexed?
Where would the dog sleep?
How long are you able to foster care for?
Do you have any other pets?
Will your dog be socialised on walks?
What is you dog experience? *
What type/size of dogs are you able to foster? *
If you are wanting to foster a greyhound, please read the fact sheet by copying the link below and downloading.                                            
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Please send photos of your home and yard to
Please leave your contact number and email address.
Decribe your lifestyle? Active beach/bush walker Or local neighbourhood cafes and parks ect.
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