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Stoermer Lab: undergraduate research assistant application questionnaire
This is an application form for an undergraduate RA position at Stoermer Lab. Please fill out the following form and email with your CV or resume.
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What's your name? *
Email address: *
What year are you? *
What is your expected graduation year/month? *
Why are you interested in coming to work in our lab? (just a few sentences please!) *
What classes have you taken (or are taking currently) that seem particularly relevant? *
Do you have any experience in programming/coding?  (e.g., Javascript, Matlab, R) *
Do you have any prior research experience? *
What other work experiences do you have? (if any)
What is your future plan after graduation? (at least for now!) *
What is your general availability during the term? (~hr/week) *
Any other question/concerns you might have?
Make sure you email with your CV or resume after submitting this form. You should put your name and "StoermerLab RA Application" on the title of the email. We will contact you soon for an interview.
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