Survey of Student-Athlete Experience
-Please answer all questions
- Your answers will be kept confidential
-Thank you for your time
Name *
Gender: *
Sport: *
Level: *
On this team... we set goals and strive to achieve them. *
On this team... rules are enforced fairly. *
On this team... my teammates treat me with respect. *
On this team... I learned or had skills reinforced that will help me succeed in life. *
On this team... I get the playing time I deserve. *
On this team... I am able to balance my responsibillities(family, school, team, etc.). *
On this team... practices are worthwhile (challenging and educational). *
On this team... I respect the coach and his/her decisions. *
My parent(s)/guardian(s)... encourage me to participate in a variety of sports throughout the year. *
My parent(s)/guardian(s)... value academics first and foremost over athletics. *
My parent(s)/guardian(s)... agree witht the coach's strategies and style. *
My parent(s)/guardian(s)... give me coaching advice during competitions and practices. *
My coach... emphasizes good sportsmanship. *
My coach... treats all team members with respect. *
My coach... values improvement and effort more than winning every time. *
My coach... is knowledgable about this sport. *
My coach... defines "success" by more than or win/loss record. *
My coach... models good sportsmanship. *
My coach... is a positive role model. *
Being on this team made me a better person. *
I know the school's code of conduct for student-athletes. *
Spectators cheer us on without degrading our opponents. *
Spectators treat officials with respect. *
Comments/Suggestions... *
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