Date : 16 Octobre 2020
Online meeting de 8h50 à 12h Live Facebook : us :
contact@erasmusplus.tnIf the meeting will be held remotely:
This form is to remember you with information regarding the purposes of this online TAM "Research Based Training and Teaching" (RBT) and what will happen with the results of the TAM so that you can give your informed consent (at the bottom of the form) for us to gather data.
This meeting is part of the agreement between the Erasmus+ Office of Tunisia and the “Education, Audiovisual and Culture” Executive Agency (EACEA).
The purposes of this online TAM are the following:
Change the wide spread idea that RBT is closer to research-tutored or research-led teaching.
Increase the awareness of the state of RBT in Tunisia compared to other countries, in particular Italy.
Although at the individual level there were already many good experiments of RBT in Tunisia, there is an urgent need to develop a at the institutional level structured policy at the institutional level.
The meeting may be asked by NEO to be recorded after the agreement of all participants. The data gathered and the record, if made, will be only used for the sole purpose of drafting the final TAM report and feedback to participants. The recordings will then be deleted.
You have the right to access the stored personal data and, if necessary, ask for your data to be corrected, by contacting:
contact@erasmusplus.tnPlease read the European Commission's full privacy statement here * Required