Time Management: How to Create 5 Extra Hours a Week for Your Use - Registration
April 7th 2014, 8:00AM to 10:30AM
2024 E. Monument St., Suite 1-500/Room 1-1500Q
Sponsored by The Office of Faculty Development, (OFD), David Yousem, MD, MBA, Instructor
How often do you say to yourself, “If only I had more time!” or “Where did the time go?” Are you behind on your big ticket projects? Do you look at others and ask “How do they get it done?” This course provides you with the skill set to create time in your day, remove extraneous baggage from your schedule and be much more productive per unit time. Based on lessons from Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits”, Kerry Patterson’s “Change Anything”, and Brian Tracy’s “Eat that Frog”, the seminar will help you to create 5 extra hours of productive time in a week.
Goals:To learn how mission/vision thinking allow you to prioritize the time you spend at work and at home
           To provide critical scheduling tips to make sure your major projects are attended to on a consistent daily basis
           To coach you on establishing visual cues, advocates, and enforcers that help you stay on task and avoid procrastination
           To teach you skills that allow you to focus more quickly as you move from project to project so as not to “lose time” in transitions. Contains content from Geno Schnell, Ph.D.

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