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Aspire IET Inquiry Form: Writing for the Web and Intro to Visual Media: Adobe Photoshop 
Below, please list the courses you may be interested in taking through the Eastern Gateway Community College Aspire Adult Education program. Our team will reach out to you with specifics about each class, including times and locations. 

Note: there is NO COST to you for taking these course

Course descriptions are below:

Title: Writing for the Web: An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization and Analytics

Belmont College: Mondays from 6:00-9:00, starting March 27
Mahoning County Career and Technical Center: Thursdays from 6:00-9:00, starting March 30
Remote: Asynchronous, starting March 27

Writing for the Web: An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization and Analytics is a project-based course in which students will work collaboratively to create a website that will, by the end of the course, rank for keywords on major search engines. We will use industry-standard data tracking tools (like Google Analytics) to determine what we should write, how it should be written, and who might be our target audience. Then, we will create content for a website we envision from the ground-up. 

This course will serve as a professional development opportunity for small business owners/staff, individuals working for non-profit agencies, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to improve their writing and digital literacy skills. The applied nature of this curriculum will also give students the opportunity to demonstrate their work as a living portfolio.

Title: Introduction to Visual Design: Adobe Photoshop + Photography

Belmont College: Tuesdays from 6:00-9:00, starting March 28
Mahoning County Career and Technical Center: Wednesdays from 6:00-9:00, starting March 29
Remote: Asynchronous, starting March 27

This program carries an entrepreneurial and project-based focus for students interested in pursuing career pathways in visual media, business/marketing, and general arts/communication. 

Staff and students will coordinate with local businesses to secure interviews for part-time, full-time, and contract/freelance work in photography, digital media, etc. 

Students taking these classes in-seat will have the opportunity to take (and edit) professional headshots for employees at local businesses and work on building their own digital portfolios (through personal websites, LinkedIn, etc.). 

We will also have fun with digital art and identify ways we can use our creative sides in the workforce.
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