CAT Lab Undergraduate Research Assistant Application Form
Thank you for your interest in working in the Cognition, Affect & Temperament (CAT) Lab! Below we have some questions to get to know you better and understand what you're interested in helping out with. We don't expect you to have any prior experience, but feel free to specify below if you do! If you have any questions, contact us at
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Name: *
E-mail: *
Major: *
Intended major or undecided is also fine
Anticipated Graduation Date (e.g., "May 2024"): *
GPA: *
How did you hear about us? *
What studies would you be interested in working on? *
For more information on our studies please visit our website:
If hired, what semester would you be able to start working in the lab? *
I am interested in the following position(s) *
If you would be interested in more than one position, you may rank your level of interest.
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Fourth Choice
Fifth Choice
Not Interested
Coding child behavior data
Coding EEG and RSA data
Coding eye-tracking data
Assisting with recruitment for future projects
Collecting data using techniques like fMRI and mobile eyetracking
Is there any other role or type of data that you are interested in that wasn't mentioned above? Please be specific.
Is there any reason why you think you're well-suited for any of your indicated roles?
You may leave this question blank. We don't have any expectation of experience and are willing to train you.
Are you applying for credit or as a volunteer?   *
We do NOT have a quota for the amount of for-credit or for-volunteer positions we can hire.
How many hours per week can you commit to? *
Can you commit for (at least) two semesters? *
Will you be able to work in person (at the University Park campus) or are you applying to work remotely? *
What campus are you currently a student at? *
Can you commit to work over the summer? *
Answering no will not negatively affect your application
What psychology courses have you taken or are currently taking and who were/are your professors for those courses?
Do you have any research experience? If so, with whom? Briefly describe.
Do you have any programming or computer science experience? If so, what? What programming languages do you know?
Do you have any experience working with children? Briefly describe and note what ages.
Why do you want to become involved in our lab? What are you hoping to get out of this experience?
What are your career goals?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us to clarify your application?
(e.g. grades, switched majors, etc.) You may leave this question blank.
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