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Slitherwing Charm + Pin Interest
A form to find out the interest in the Slitherwing Charms, Wooden and Acrylic pins.
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Would you be interested in purchasing a Slitherwing double-sided, multiple charm keyring? *
Captionless Image
How much would you be willing to pay for a charm (maximum standard shipping is +£4.20)
For other option, charm price
Would you be interested in purchasing a 17mm Wooden or Acrylic Slitherwing pin?  *
Captionless Image
How much would you pay for a Slitherwing Acrylic or Wooden pin? (Maximum shipping would be + £4.20 standard)
For other option, pin price
Would you be interested in a combination sale of a pin and charm together?  *
Is there any merchandise you'd like to see from me in the future, and if so what of, and what form?
Thank you for taking time to answer! Have a lovely day!
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