The Surreal Complex // Designer Application
Please fill out this short form to be considered as a designer for The Surreal Complex event. If you have been invited to take part, this form just needs to be filled out to confirm your wish to take part and for us to collect info.
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Owner *
SL legacy name I.e. John Smith or John Resident (for avatars w/o surnames)
Have you got a co-owner or manager?
SL legacy name I.e. John Smith or John Resident (for avatars w/o surnames)
Store name *
Store SLURL, Marketplace, Flickr, etc *
Which of the following themes do you prefer? *
Which would you prefer? *
This may be changed subject to final organisation, but only by mutual consent.
Anything other comments you would like to make?
T&C: Do you agree to keep your items in your chosen theme for the event, and have at least one item? Do you agree not to sell these items in your store or marketplace during the event? Will you pay on time and set up on time? Will you follow all event rules? *
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