Placement test
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Phone number: *
1. How old are you? *
2. Are you having a nice time? *
3. Could you pass the salt please? *
4. Yesterday I went _____ bus to the National Museum. *
5. Sue and Mike _____ to go camping. *
6. Who's calling, please? *
7. They were _____ after the long journey, so they went to bed. *
8. Can you tell me the _____ to the bus station? *
9. _____ you remember to buy some milk? *
10. - Don't forget to put the rubbish out. *
     - I've _____ done it!
11. You don't need to bring _____ to eat. *
12. What about going to the cinema? *
13. - What would you like, Sue? *
- I'd like the same _____ Michael please.
14. _____ people know the answer to that question. *
15. It's not _____ to walk home by yourself in the dark. *
16. _____ sure all the windows are locked. *
17. I'll go and _____ if I can find him. *
18. What's the difference _____football and rugby? *
19. My car needs _____. *
20. Tim was too _____ to ask Monika for a dance. *
21. I haven't had so much fun _____ I was a young boy! *
22. Sorry, I don't know _____ you're talking about. *
23. I'm afraid you _____ smoke in here. *
24. Everyone wanted to go out _____ John. *
25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I'm not _____ it up! *
26. Eat everything up! I don't want to see anything _____ on your plate! *
27. Take the A20 _____ the roundabout, then turn left. *
28. I really hope you can find a _____ to this problem. *
29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea? *
30. In my country, it is _____ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen. *
31. Rebecca had to _____ the in vitation, as she was busy studying for her exams. *
32. Police _____ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping. *
33. When Christopher smiles, he _____ me of his grandfather. *
34. The wonderful smell of freshly _____ coffee hit us as we entered the store. *
35. Mike's dad wouldn't _____him go to school with a red streak in his hair. *
36. If only I _____ made that phone call! *
37. I like Mary for her friendly smile and her _____ of humour. *
38. These shoes are very _____ for walking in the mountains. *
39. _____ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis. *
40. We were surprised that over 500 people _____ for the job. *
41. The children watched in excitement as she _____ a match and lit the candles. *
42. Sorry about Kate's strange behaviour, but she's just not used to _____ lots of people around her. *
43. Ivan kept running very hard _____ none of the other runners could possibly catch him. *
44. 'I did this painting all _____ my own, Dad,' said Milly. *
45. You _____ better check all the details are correct before we send it off. *
46. This game is _____ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it! *
47. Just put this powder down, and it should _____ any more ants from getting in. *
48. When Jonie _____ to do something, you can be sure she'll do it, and do it well. *
49. _____ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier. *
50. Fifty-seven? No, that _____be the right answer! *
51. _____ happens, I'll always be there for you! *
52. Can you _____ to it that no one uses this entrance? *
53. A _____ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other. *
54. I've drunk milk every _____ day of my life, and it's never done me any harm! *
55. The version of the film I saw had been _____ censored. *
56. He promised to phone me at nine o'clock exactly, and he was as _____ as his word. *
57. There has been so much media _____ of the wedding that I am completely fed up with it. *
58. If I were you, I would _____ clear of the area around the station late at night. *
59. Turning back now is out of the _____. *
60. Joe's fear of enclosed spaces _____ from a bad experience he had when he was a child. *
61. I don't know what it do. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
62. She was watching Tv now. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
63. Her hair is very dark. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
64. We has two dogs and a cat. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
65. I have been to London three times before. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
66. Can I have a burger and chips, please? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
67. If I don’t finish this project on time, I was have a big problem. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
68. You won’t take this job, will you? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
69. Did you listened to his speech? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
70. I always listens to the radio on my way to work. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
71. Listen to me! I want to say something! *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
72. It is going to rain. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
73. We where talking when his boss entered the room. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
74. If I were you, I wouldn’t  apologize. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
75. What where you doing yesterday at 2 o’clock? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
76. Why is you so sad? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
77. Was they watching TV now? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
78. The police are looking for the robber. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
79. Want you like some tea? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
80. I want to tell you something. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
81. I told you not to do this! *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
82. John did the shopping yesterday! *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
83. Do you do the shopping yesterday? *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
84. We does not do the shopping yesterday. *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
85. I have finish the test! *
Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect.
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