How was your vacation?
Welcome back! Your feedback is important.

As a Pixie and Pirate Destinations client we value your feedback. We want to know what you think of our customer service, our knowledge and our overall readiness to help you.

Please take a few minutes to share how your vacation planning experience went with your Dream Vacation Planner. The more feedback we receive, both positive and constructive, the better we can assist our future clients. Thank you for being a client and we look forward to working with you again soon!

When completing this form, please make sure the questions marked with a red * are answered/selected. These are "required."

For the purpose of this form, DVP is defined as "Dream Vacation Planner." Your DVP is the Pixie or Pirate you worked with to plan your vacation.

Thank you for being honest and open with your answers. **If you wish for your feedback to remain anonymous, please do not fill out this form. Instead, email and provide us with your honest, anonymous opinion.**
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Your Name (First/Last) *
Who was your Pixie and Pirate Destinations DVP? Please include first AND last name. *
Overall, how satisfied were you with the customer service, friendliness and promptness of the DVP you booked your vacation with? *
Would you book another vacation with the DVP you worked with? *
How likely is it that you will recommend Pixie and Pirate Destinations to your friends and colleagues? *
Not likely
Please share any additional thoughts, details, or insight into your vacation planning experience or your vacation experience. Constructive criticism about the vacation planning stage is welcome. By filling out this box you give PAPD the right to use all or part of your feedback/testimonial on the website, or in our social media posts, with only your first name/last name initial referenced.
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