Music Assistant Application
Each year, several students are selected to work as music assistants. These positions do not have to be filled by financial aid recipients. Each position provides 5-10 hours of work per week at an hourly salary of $9.00.

Skills required:  Assistants must have a good grasp of music theory. They must be able to assist other students in understanding music.  Piano proficiency is highly desired, but not required.

Duties:  Some assistants will work with tutors doing musical demonstrations in class. All will assist in tutoring students outside of class in the rudiments of music theory.

Application procedure:  Complete application by the deadline. Selections will be made on the basis of written application, tutors’ recommendations, experience and possible interviews or auditions.
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Student Name *
Student ID Number *
Six digit number below your name and date of birth on your 1Card.
E-mail Address *
Current Class *
List the music tutor(s) you have had at St. John's. *
List any other college community member(s) familiar with your musical ability. *
How well do you play the piano? *
If you studied piano formally, for how many years did you take lessons?
What is the most difficult Bach, Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin keyboard work you play well?
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