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Education Workshop Survey
We need your feedback! The Chamber's Education Committee is planning the 2022 workshop series and are seeking your input on desired topics, timing of workshops, and the preferred format of offerings. If you leave your contact info at the bottom of the survey, you'll be eligible for a drawing to win a $100 Gift Card.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What Time of Day best fits your schedule to attend a workshop? *
Please check all that apply.
What Time of Year do you prefer to attend a workshop? *
Please check all that apply.
What are your top business challenges that you need assistance addressing? *
Please check all that apply.
Would you be interested in attending an Education Workshop on the following financial challenges? *
Please check all that apply.
Which marketing challenges would you like to attend a course on? *
Please check all that apply.
What type of course do you prefer? *
Are you interested in selling or transition planning? *
Would you like to be a part of an incubator or accelerator program to start a business? *
Email Address
Please leave your email address to be entered into a lottery for a free gift card for completing this survey. We will also use this to inform you of upcoming educational workshops that fit your needs.
FREE Workshops Available
Thank you for taking the survey. Did you know that there are free Education Workshops that are available at your fingertips?

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