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Alterra HOA Communication Feedback
How are we doing with our communication to you and with your communication with the Action Life Resident Portal? We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience! 
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Email *
What is your address? *
Are you registered on the Action Resident Portal?  *
If you are registered on the Action Resident Portal, how  easy is it to navigate and locate information? 
How do you like to receive information? *
When something goes wrong on Alterra community property (for example, a broken sprinkler), do you know how to submit a work order on the Action Resident Portal? *
Would it be helpful for you to receive a video to your email showing you how to better utilize the Action Resident Portal?
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Are you aware that Action Property Management periodically sends email blasts to owners regarding important information concerning the HOA (for example, HOA meeting notices, community events and service opportunities, CC&R updates/explanations, and notices of pest control applications on greenbelts)? *
Which of the following features on the Action Portal have you used so far? Please check all that apply. *
What sections of the Newsletter do you read each month?  Please check all that apply.
If the newsletter is longer than two pages, how likely is it that you would check the Action portal to read the rest of the information? 
What other types of community news would you like to see that has not been included so far? How can we improve the newsletter or portal? Is there anything else you'd like to comment on?
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