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One-one holistic support (hourly sessions) Inquiry 
A sacred, safe space to process through whatever is coming up for you, wherever you find yourself in your journey. These sessions are for gifting yourself the tender care that you deserve and for the resolution of past experiences so that you can show up as your truest, most vibrant and connected self. For women in any stage of motherhood; from pre-conception, pregnancy and into postpartum. I approach our time together from a trauma-informed lens, focussing on nervous system support, reconnection to the body and holistic nourishment. This offering is virtual. 
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your full name *
your email address and phone number *
what areas are you looking for support in? this can be anything from attachment dynamics, processing a birth, connecting to your truest self, learning the language of your unique nervous system and so on. please be specific!  *
what experience do you have with therapy or coaching?
what makes you feel as though we would be a good fit to work together? *
what is your dream outcome from creating this safe container together? *
do you have any understanding or experience with Internal Family Systems, Polyvagal Theory or The Compassion Method? there is no wrong answer! 
are you ready to take radical responsibility for your own lived experience? again, no wrong answer here. *
are you ready to invest in yourself and open to receive the care and compassion that you deserve? *
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