Senior survey 2021
Responses will be anonymous and will contribute to shaping this seminar and, hopefully, to helping you understand your priorities. Thanks! And congrats again on becoming a senior!
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1. How happy are you to be a senior?
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2. How confident and prepared to you feel about:
Not confident
A bit confident
Moderately confident
Extremely confident
Not applicable
Whether or not I want to attend college
Which colleges I want to attend
Having a strong college application essay
Getting recommendations from teachers and staff
ACT and/or SAT scores are consistent with my goals
What I would like to choose for a major in college
What career I would like to pursue
How I am going to pay for college
How I will support myself if I don't go to college
How to handle stress
How to deal with disappointment and failure
How to study and learn well during remote learning
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3. I would like more information on this topic in order to feel confident and prepared:
Don't need information or work on this
Need a bit of information and work on this
Need a moderate amount of information and work on this
Need a lot of information and work on this
Not applicable
Whether or not I want to attend college
Which colleges I want to attend
Having a strong college application essay
Getting recommendations from teachers and staff
ACT and/or SAT scores
Choosing a major at university
What career I would like to pursue
How I am going to pay for college
How I will support myself if I don't go to college
How to handle stress
How to deal with disappointment and failure
How to study and learn well during remote learning
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4. I am feeling stressed about this upcoming senior year.
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5. I have good coping strategies for dealing with stress and difficult emotions.
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6. I am feeling excited about this upcoming senior year.
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7. What else? (Here's where you can elaborate on anything from the above questions--or add anything about you and your senior year that might be important for me to know. You may include your name here if you wish.)
8. Finally: how stressful did you find this survey?
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