The Virtual Edge
Please fill out the following information to the best of your ability. This information will be used to continually improve the online labs used in General Microbiology Lab course.
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Please give your year in school or highest degree earned.
Background in Microbiology:
Please give a brief description of classes you have taken or taught in microbiology.
Lab Reviewed
Graphics are considered to be the pictures used in the virtual lab that are not photographs nor animations (there is no movement).
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Graphics were helpful:
Graphics were clear:
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Please write anything that you liked or disliked or things that you had trouble understanding dealing with graphics. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Pictures are considered to be the photographs used in the virtual lab. They do not contain any movement.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Pictures were helpful:
Pictures were clear:
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Please write anything that you liked or disliked or things that you had trouble understanding dealing specifically with pictures. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Video Clips
Video clips are the movies that are sometimes used to demonstrate a procedure.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Video Clips were helpful:
Video Clips were clear:
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Please write anything that you liked or disliked or things that you had trouble understanding dealing specifically with pictures. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
The layout or design of the web pages and the lab units refers to how they look on the computer screen.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The layout was pleasing:
The layout/design made the information easy to follow:
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Please write anything that you liked or disliked or things that you had trouble understanding dealing with Video clips. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Please comment on the navigation of the website. Navigation is a term used to describe how you moved around the website to find the information you needed.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The navigation worked well:
It was not easy to find what I needed.
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Please write anything that you liked or disliked or things that you had trouble understanding dealing with Video clips. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Please comment on the colors that were chosen for the webpage and units.
Please write anything that you liked or disliked about the color of the text.
Please write anything that you liked or disliked about the color of the background.
Please write anything that you liked or disliked about the color of the buttons.
Please write anything that you liked or disliked about the color of the Titles.
General color comments
Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Overall Comments
Please write anything else that might help better create these labs to be helpful to you as a student and/or a TA. Suggestions, things you liked, things you didn't like, problems you had or anything else that might help would be greatly appreciated.
Technical Questions
The computer on which I accessed the virtual lab was running:
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I was connected to the internet via:
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