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White Accountability Group 2.0
Come join Drs. Rachael Forester and Kathy Obear in our next weekly Zoom White Accountability Group starting on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 from 4-5:30pm ET.

---Do you want to join a community of dedicated white change agents to help you go to the next level of your work for racial justice?
---Are you committed to resisting the temptation to stop out or drop out as you swirl in hopelessness and despair?
---Are you ready to recommit to what it takes to develop the capacity to truly partner with BIPOC colleagues and other white folks to create racially inclusive, anti-racist organizations?

We are designing this live, open access virtual group for white leaders and co-conspirators who already recognize many of the devastating dynamics of racism and white supremacy culture in their organizations and have begun the level of deep self-work to own the impact of their racist attitudes and behaviors.

This White Accountability Group will challenge participants to:

---Move beyond guilt, shame, and blame, move beyond your fears to take meaningful action to dismantle racism and co-create true racial justice.
---Stop being performative and collusive in your organization.
---Consistently take courageous steps to engage in authentic, brave dialogues that lead to sustainable change.
---Continuously push yourselves and others to use your white privilege to name racist dynamics, policies, and practices and invest social capital to create anti-racist organizations.

Rachael and Kathy envision facilitating this White Accountability Group for the next several months. We believe participants will get the most out of this experience by committing to:

---Attend 90%+ of the sessions.
---Actively participate in this brave, vulnerable space.
---Complete all assignments in-between the weekly sessions.

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