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Chesapeake Rescue Alliance Adoption Application
This application assesses eligibility to adopt from Chesapeake Rescue Alliance in addition to compatibility with your animal(s) of interest. Please complete the form below to begin the application process.

Note: We accept multiple applications for all our pets, so please be aware that you may not be the only applicant. Our adoptions are not “first come, first served” — rather, we look for the best match that suits both the individual animal(s)’ and the applicant’s needs.

We do not share your personal information outside of our organization. Thank you so much for your interest!
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Applicant's First Name: *
Applicant's Last Name: *
Are you interested in a specific pet(s) we have listed as available? *
If yes, please provide the name of the pet(s) of interest:
Where did you first find this pet(s)? *
If this pet is not available, would you consider another? *
Email *
Primary Phone #: *
Street address of your primary residence: *
City: *
State: *
ZIP Code: *
Housing Type: *
Do you rent or own your home? *
If renting, are pets allowed to stay at this residence? (Renters must provide a copy of rental agreement in order to move forward with application process.)
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If renting, please provide your landlord's full name and phone number:
How many people live in your household? *
Please provide full names, ages, and relation to yourself for all household members (including yourself): *
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