Tesla Owners Questionare
For Tesla owners to participate in an in-home or at the office (please bring your car) interview about their car and the future of the automobile.
We will call or email you to confirm our meeting.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What Tesla do you own? *
How long have you owned a Tesla?
What was the #1 reason you got a Tesla?
Engineering, performance, design...
What is your living situation?
Pick closest
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What is your Gender?
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What is your occupation?
Please Identify Your Age Range
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Your Full Name:
Please provide your contact information.
Address, Email & Phone Number.
Do you prefer email or calling?
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What of these times work for you for an at home or office (if you have your car) visit?
Check all that apply.
Is there anything about our visit we should know?
Details about address, top choice day, curiousities, questions
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