Gender Odyssey - Kid's Camp
Volunteer Information - Initial Questionnaire

Conference information:
The conference is Gender Odyssey and runs 5th-7th August 2016 – check out the website here for more info . This is a general trans* conference and as part of this there is a family track. What we provide is a Kids’ Camp to give a great positive, empowering space for trans* and non-genderconforming kids and their siblings while their parents attend workshops. We have two main groups, referred to as the kids (ages ~4-9) and tweens (ages ~9-12). Last year we had about 120 kids in total and we have been growing year on year so expect to continue!

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Personal Information
What's your first name?
What's your last name?
Preferred pronouns
What's your email address?
Primary phone number?
Alternate phone number?
When when were born? (DOB)
Info needed for background check
Apologies for asking for personal details, we would ideally not have to ask but its the way the system works. The details you provide will remain confidential to the Kids' Camp Coordinator and your preferred name and pronouns will be used.
Legal first name
Legal middle initial
Legal last name
Legal gender marker
Which role(s) are you provisionally interested in?
Camp counselor - work directly with the kids and facilitating their play and activities. Ideally counselors will work either a morning or afternoon session for one or more days of the conference.
-Optional involvement: subcommittee to plan activities and games during the conference

Registration lead - some organisational work ahead of the conference to help registration of kids go smoothly on the day. Training of volunteers to staff the registration and sign in/out desks. Working more closely with the Camp's organisational committee.

Registration volunteer - staff the desk for registration and sing in/out of families and kids.

NOTE: for the most part these roles are not mutually exclusive. If you want to be the registration lead but want to make sure you get time to work directly with the kids then that can 100% happen. Just talk to us about what you want to be part of.
Role(s) interested in:
What age Kids are you comfortable working with?
Select as many as apply.
About You
This section is just to give us an idea of how you might best fit in with our team. Don't worry if you don't have any formal experience.
Describe your experience with young people.
Please include the age-range you've worked with and a description of your responsibilities.
What group activities could you lead?
Are you an expert juggler? Face painter? Computer programmer? Let us know!
Why do you want to get involved?
Anything else you would like us to know?
Thank you for your time!
How did you find out about this opportunity?
Informational Sessions
We will be holding informational sessions to provide more information about the conference and volunteer roles. We require that all interested volunteers attend one of these sessions. Please indicate whether you are available to attend the session (additional sessions will be added). We will email you with additional details.
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