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Adult Volunteer Registration
Please fill out the following form to volunteer with Youth Serve. 
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Email *
Name (First and last) *
Date of birth *
Address (Include street, city, state, and zip code)  *
Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Emergency contact  *
Emergency contact phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Please list any major medical concerns or allergies
Please indicate the areas you'd be interested in volunteering
Please list special skills or interests to help us place you.  *
When are you available to volunteer? 
*Home repair time is the Mon - Fri of YS, 8am-1pm. You do not have to volunteer for all days.*
T-shirt size *
I agree not to hold Youth Serve or any agent or entities thereof liable for any injury or illness incurred due to participation in Youth Serve related activities. These projects include home repairs that may involve, but are not limited to, being on a roof or the use of power tools, car or driving incidents to or from Youth Serve activities. I understand that my insurance will be responsible in the event of an accident.
I also understand that Youth Serve prohibits adult volunteers from being alone at any time during the camp with only one underage student. I also understand that any disciplinary issues should be reported to staff immediately.
Today's date *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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