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Become a Member
Who We Are
Homeless Services Network of Charlotte Mecklenburg (HSN) warmly welcomes your organization to join our efforts to elevate the needs and voice of those experiencing homelessness. We are an independent coalition of local organizations that collaborate through community education, advocacy and service coordination.

Who Can Be a Member
We invite organizations who provide services and/or advocate in Mecklenburg County and who are interested in further the efforts of HSN.

Why Join
Networking with other like-minded organizational professionals committed to helping those experiencing homelessness.
Membership covers anyone in your agency.
Ability to send education/training and related announcements to the HSN listerv (currently more than 350 individuals).
Elevate the voice in our community for policy and systemic change.
Receive a letter of support (if requested) from HSN recognizing your organization’s efforts.
Supporting community education.
Voting privileges related to any changes/practices within HSN.
One fabulous t-shirt to whomever you designate in your agency to promote HSN and your membership!

Dues are based on your organization’s budget:

$100,000 or less - $75.00
$100,001 - $500,000 - $100.00
$500.001 - $1,000,000 - $150.00
$1,000,000+ - $200.00

Questions or Need Additional Information
Email us at

Continue to complete the application.

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