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Registration Form for Nov. 13 2020 Virtual Celebration

Please complete the registration form to join us for a virtual celebration, Friday, November 13 from noon to 1:00 pm. We will send details about Zoom video conferencing in a future email.
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Yes, I would like to attend the Zoom LandWatch event on November 13th from noon to 1 p.m. My full name is: *
My email is: *
Have you attended LandWatch annual luncheon before?
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Which three issues are most important to you?
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Sustainable groundwater
Affordable housing
Stopping sprawl
Roads/traffic congestion
Sustainable cities
Climate change
Open space/ecosystems
Farmland protection
Other land/water issues important to you
LandWatch provides updates a few times a month about relevant topics we are working on. If you do not already receive the newsletter, please confirm we may add you to our email list. (Note: We do not sell, lend, or share our email list to anyone.) *
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