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Western Horticultural Society's $1000 Scholarship Application 2024
Western Horticultural Society is pleased to announce this $1000.00 horticultural scholarship to be given to an inspired, deserving student who shows a keen commitment to their horticultural studies (including high school seniors and college students). This will be given to a student who wants to make a difference in the horticultural world. The field is open to students whose primary residence is in the SF Bay Area and is attending or has applied to attend a California college or university.

The purpose of this scholarship is to support those who wish to deepen their horticultural knowledge. This form is to be used by horticulture students to apply for this scholarship. To apply, you must have completed a minimum of 8 units in your horticulture program (or be a high school senior who has applied and been accepted in a college horticulture program.) All applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Please submit this application and the requested materials by February 15, 2024.
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Full Name *
Full Mailing Address *
Email *
Best phone number to reach you at *
Name of school that you are attending (or have applied to attend by fall 2024) *
Name of degree that you are pursuing *
Credits (or certificates) already earned with respect to horticulture *
Units needed to complete the program or degree that you are pursuing (including the current quarter or semester) *
List any horticultural/plant groups, organizations or clubs you belong to *
Describe (in fewer than 200 words) how you became interested in horticulture
Tell us why you are interested in this scholarship and how you think this will help you achieve your goals.
Describe anything additional about yourself that you think makes you a good choice for this scholarship.
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