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Alabama Rabbit Rescue: Volunteer Application
Please complete this application for consideration to become a volunteer with Alabama Rabbit Rescue. If you have any questions or issues with the application, please email us at, and we will try to answer any questions/issues you have. 

Important note : we will be reaching out to you via email, please an email you that you check regularly! 

Thank you,

– ARR Team

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First and Last Name *
Age of any volunteer under 19
Your age *
Phone Number *
Email Address (one you will check) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Are you able to stand for long periods of time? *
Are you able to lift 20lbs? *
What is your main reason for volunteering?
What are your primary areas of interest? *
Please list any additional skills or experience you are willing to contribute. Include those you may not immediately consider as helpful.
What days are you available? *
What times are you available? *
Have you ever cared for a rabbit in the past? *
How did you learn about Alabama Rabbit Rescue? *
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