Comm II+ - Focus 1 Quiz
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Last Name, First Name  - Please use a comma after you name, then a space, then you first name. Use Proper Capitalization (i.e. Smith, John). The first name should be what you want me to call you.
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Section I - Key Strokes
Please indicate the keystrokes necessary. Note: 6-8 are specific for Photoshop.
1. Save *
2. Undo *
3. Cut *
4. Paste *
5. Select All *
6. Zoom Out *
7. Fit to Page (100% View) *
8. Change brush size (via keyboard) *
Section 2: Short Answer Essay & Multiple Choice
9. When would you use - "Save”  vs “Save As” *
Like one vs. the other.
10. When you place an image in Google Docs, what must you do to get the text to flow around the picture? *
11. When you dodge a portion of your image, how can you help make sure it doesn't look dodged? *
12. When mounting your prints, what “alignment” are you trying to accomplish? *
13. Which of the following is not a form of composition to consider when shooting? *
14. From the on-line photos, which is the most significant response? *
15. What of the following is the most important concept in creating a winning photo a winner? *
Think carefully here. I like once concept because it is something that can taught. But, there is one I stated in class that is the most important.
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