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Join the "Zombie Kebab VR" Open Beta
Be Among the First to Experience a Unique Blend of Culinary Arts and Zombie Survival!
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ZOMBIE KEBAB pre-alpha footage:
I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy which explains how my data will be used and protected.
What is your date of birth?
You must be over 16 to sign up.  
What email address can we contact you at for updates and beta access?
Remember, this is a beta version, so expect some wild rides and a few bumps along the way! Are you comfortable playing a game that is still in development, including encountering bugs and changes?
What is your experience with VR gaming?
Would you be interested in participating in the "Zombie Kebab VR" community, such as providing feedback and suggestions, through platforms like Discord?
How did you hear about the "Zombie Kebab VR" open beta sign-up?
Is there anything specific you would like to share with us or suggest for "Zombie Kebab VR"? Feel free to share any thoughts, ideas, or feedback you have about our game. Whether it's a cool feature you'd love to see, a creative twist on the gameplay, or just your general excitement about the game, we're all ears! Your insights are invaluable in helping us make "Zombie Kebab VR" even more thrilling and enjoyable.
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