Alumni Update Form
Dear graduates, AUCA would still like to be in touch with you and offer something special for you not as a student, but as alumni. To be informed of what AUCA offers to its alumni in Kyrgyzstan and abroad, you need to register with AUCA Alumni Association. Simply fill out this form and join our group on Facebook: 

Please note that you are considered AUCA alum if you have: 1) spent at least one academic year as a degree candidate at AUCA, 2) completed AUCA degree program or MBA, 3) joined AUCA as exchange student.

IMPORTANT: Please submit your photograph to Alumni Office in order to receive ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP CARD. We accept digital photos via e-mail: or simply bring your photo to Alumni Office at room 302. Please include the following information: NAME + Surname, Department and a year of graduation
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Name *
Surname *
Department *
Year of Graduation *
**Or simply indicate last year you attended AUCA
Contact e-mail address *
Please write down your active e-mail, and do not write your AUCA mail address
Country of residence *
Contact phone number *
Your Professional Status
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Current Employer
If you are not employed please skip the question
If you are not employed please skip the question
Would you like to subscribe to quarterly alumni bulletin? *
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