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Participation in NYC's mandatory curbside food waste collection

The Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board (MSWAB) is an all volunteer organization that is working to help NYC achieve its ZERO waste goals. We are pleased that citywide curbside food waste collection by the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is now mandatory for all residential buildings. However we also recognize that composting (e.g. the separation of food waste waste} is a new practice for most New Yorkers. To that end we have developed this survey to understand which buildings currently have service, what concerns residents have about participating, and what we can do to increase residential involvement.

Your participation in completing this survey is much appreciated!
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Email *
What Borough do you live in?

What is the size of your building

My building is *
Who is your property management company?
Is your building providing composting bins for residents?
Has your building notified you about how to use compost bins and where they are located?
If you answered yes, how has your building communicated w/residents about the program?
If possible, please share links to any related building communications that you have received
Are you depositing your food and plant waste in compost bins?
If no, why not?  Selected all that apply
If there are other reasons, why you are not separating your food waste please elaborate.  We’re interested in hearing about any questions, concerns, complaints, observations
What help do you need to start participating in this mandatory program? Select all that apply
If there are other things you need, please specify what would help you participate in this mandatory program

Would you like MSWAB to contact you for assistance with any of the above matters?

If yes, please provide email

Are you concerned about any of these issues?

Would you like to learn more about ZERO waste issues affecting NYC? If so please sign up for the MSWAB newsletter and/or join our organics committee whose focus is to reduce food waste and advocate for composting. YOUR EMAIL WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHER ORGNIZATIONS.
If yes, please provide email

Lastly, MSWAB is trying to get the word out about DSNY's new service as well as about composting and other ways to reduce our trash. Do you have any ideas on how and where we can promote these issues? For example, are you able to help us promote these issues through your networks and/or social media? Can you also follow us through Instagram? All ideas and help are much appreciated!

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